Coming Up:


Join us every week at 10am for our morning service (the10) with kids’ and youth groups.

Our evening service (the6) is on every Sunday (apart from a 5th Sunday) and is also a great place for youth and young adults to gather for worship.

We also have a half-hour Holy Communion service at 9am on the fourth Sunday of the month.

Kingdom Come is an hour of prayer and worship in St. Mark’s. It happens termly, at 7pm. For the upcoming Kingdom Come dates, check out the calendar above.


Open Church - drop in for coffee, cake and a friendly chat, every Wednesday morning, 10am-12pm.

Alpha - With a warm welcome, tasty food, and group discussions about the big questions of life and faith. Wednesdays at 7pm in St. Mark’s. Sign-up here.


Little Lions - Our term-time group for babies, tots and their grown-ups.
More info