A key part of St. Mark’s are midweek Groups. These are mid-sized gatherings where we meet fortnightly to encourage one another to discover more of the Love of God, the Life we live in Jesus and to be equipped to go in the power of the Holy Spirit to see a Greater Grimsby… right where we are.
Each group looks a little different in their style, location, timings and group-makeup, yet they all serve the same purpose. There is a group for everyone, so take your pick and get connected in. And all groups reset each term, so you can try something different next time or rejoin the group you’ve got to know.
All you need to do now is find a group that suits you and get yourself signed up! If you are not sure where you fit or would like to chat to someone about finding the right group for you or even starting a new one, please do drop us an email. We would love to hear from you!
Groups for the new term are now live for sign up - take a look at the Groups below, click the one you fancy and sign up.