Lent & Easter Resources

In this season of Lent, our desire is to grow our faith in being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus does. Below are the links to some different resources and ideas to help you through Lent, including the Church of England app, emails, building a habit of daily prayer or download a simple bible reading plan. Get in touch if you need any help.

Then during Holy Week, we’d journeying through the story of the passion before we celebrate Easter Day. There are different activities and services to get involved with - why not invite someone along for the journey too? Check out details and resources below and or specific events, see the ’this week’ page on our website.

Resources for Lent

Coming up over Holy Week and Easter

Maundy Thursday Meals

On Maundy Thursday of Holy Week, we remember Jesus gathering his friends, washing their feet and sharing the last supper together. This year, we encourage you to get together with your midweek small Group and share a meal together, taking time to recall the story and to pray together. If you’re not yet part of a Group, why not host a meal and invite some others to join you? You can download the Groups resource >>HERE<<

Prayer Space

During Holy Week, we have a creative prayer space running from Monday-Thursday in St. Mark’s. There will be more info coming soon.